Use this dog medical tracker to keep track of your canine’s vaccinations, weight, flea/tick treatments, heartworm treatments, and more! Great for emergencies or even just to remember when your pet’s last vet visit was.
Please read the disclaimer near the bottom of this post.
With the help of two friends of mine (one who runs a blog where she talks a lot about her dogs, fact) let me know which immunizations their dogs regularly need to receive. Which was really the hard part, since the rest involved a lot of Googling and inserting things into the template I used for my cat tracker.
Free Printable Medical Record for Dogs:
- Track vaccinations and date received
- Track fecal/deworming treatments, heartworm treatments, and flea/tick treatments
- Track surgeries and other medical issues
- Contains a brief summary of the diseases each vaccine prevents
- Track weight gain/loss–important for those of us with chubby pets
- Space for name, DOB, breed, and microchip number, in case your pet gets lost
- Double-sided, so you can fold it into a handy brochure
- Comes in a variety of colors!
Instead of posting a clickable “download” picture, since this comes in so many colors I’ll just give you some text links to choose from. This is free, so download them all if you want!
This form is meant for personal use to keep track of your own pet’s medical records so you can remember. It is NOT meant to be an official, vet-approved form. That said, I am not responsible for how others use this form. If you receive this from a pet’s private seller, they can just check things off on their own and claim a vet did it. (They can also do that with records that come from a vet. Most people know how to use a pen, I think.)
Have a vet look over any pet you wish to adopt. Veterinarians will stamp their medical records with their information (name, address, and phone number) to advertise their business and to make sure you have it in the case of emergency. If you received an unstamped version of this from someone else, it did not come from a vet.
Always ask for the information of the vet that any private seller claims they used. If they can’t give you the information, walk away. If they can, call that vet and ask that they corroborate the seller’s story.
Please use common sense when adopting a pet.
Download Instructions:
Click on the links below to download and print your tracker. Note: YOU WILL NEED A PDF READER. I use FoxIt, which is free. Click one of the colors to download and print.
{ Black } { Blue } { Green } { Greige } { Orange } { Purple } { Red } { Yellow }
How to Print Double-Sided:
Step 1: When you open the print dialogue, make sure Two-sided is selected. Then, click on Print Using System Dialog below that.
Step 2: Make sure the correct printer is selected and then click Preferences.
Step 3: Yours might look different depending on your printer. But here, I go to the bottom of the box, next to Duplex/Booklet. Click on the drop-down menu and select Duplex. Underneath that drop-down box (mine is covering it), select Duplex Options.
Step 4: Select Short Edge (Top) and then click OK. Click OK on the next box until you get to the box from Step 2. Click Apply and then click Print.
It should print double-sided with both sides going in the same direction.
Medical Tracker Terms of Use:
This printable is for personal use only. You may share it on your own blog and social media sites as long as you link back to this post. You may print out as many copies as you want and give them to friends and family for free. However, you may not sell copies or redistribute them as your own.
“Will you change something for me?”
Answer: No. This is a free printable. I only customize sales.
I will not customize these because it would become too time-consuming. You are free to customize them yourself, just please link back to this post if you post them on your own blog. (To clarify: just because you change the color scheme, that does not mean you made this printable, so please don’t pass it off that way.)
I will gladly change and re-upload the file if there is a glaring error, but not in instances of personal preference. (If you see an error, please let me know.)
Remember to share!
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This is great! I am horrible at keeping track of my dog’s health record. This will come in handy
Thanks! I’m glad you like it!
I cant print
Are you able to download the PDFs? If you can, then the problem is your computer’s connection to your printer, which is not something I can help with. I would suggest Googling the problem or contacting the company’s Customer Support.
Is there any way to edit the record? I vaccinate following a holistic protocol and want to remove the immunization section, been having trouble finding any holistic health records and yours looks great, just want the immunization section removed able to change it.
Thank you for sharing with us #pintorials Lovely printable!
Just what we need! We have 5 dogs. It gets a little confusing trying to keep up with all of them for everything! Thanks for sharing with us at the Teach Me Tuesday Linky Party:)
I cant get the link to download the dog vaccine record to work?? Please help.
Michele, they’re all downloading just fine to my own computer. It should just open a PDF in a new browser tab or window. What’s happening when you try to download them?
I am worried about the dog’s health. I find record really convinient. I want to download the record. Can you give me?
This is a cute idea for pet owners! Keeping your pet’s health record is very important. You have to note everything about his or her vaccination and other health related transactions.
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You just saved me a ton of time. I was just about to try to recreate a version of a health record I had because I couldn’t find any good printable versions online. That is until I stumbled onto yours. It is perfect!
Can you please repost the download option? The dog medical record report no longer has a link. Thanks!
Tami, go to where it says, “Download here” and look below that. In order to download the medical record, click on the color you want to view (the links say, “blue,” “green,” etc.) and it will show you a PDF that you can either download or print.
I am normally really good on computers- I got this to download and I LOVE IT. My problem is when I print – its print one side of the paper one way and on the other side in the opposite direction. When I fold it- the sides are not matching. Any help/suggestions?
Hi Joy! Easy fix, your print options just need adjusted.
If you need pictures to help, I’ve edited this post to include the directions with screenshots. Hope it helps!
Can you create a plain black and white version? My printer doesn’t do colors and will leave out everything that is not black….
Thank you so much!! Exactly what I was looking for! And thank you for the double sided printing instructions as well. I always have trouble with that! Have an awesome weekend
These are fantastic. I’ve looked all over the internet for something I could use for my puppies and I even paid 10 cents each for a tri-fold record that isn’t nearly as nice as this version is. Thank you for taking the time to create this and make it available as a free template. I saved/printed one in each color just because I could.
This literally cheered me up. I’m about to get my pup trained and I LOST the receipt to the first shot he got, so glad I found this. Now I can just go buy the 1st shot and stick the stickers on there, and move up to his second shot!!! Thanks!!!
Thank you so much! I love it. We needed one for our new puppy!
I love your dog health record. What software did you make it in? Any way I can make changes?
Thank you so much for this!! I was looking for a printable on google and none were what I needed/wanted. this is sooo cute! and great for keeping record of all our furbabies vaccines! thanks again!
I recommend this to all my clients!!! LOVE IT. Thanks so much for generously providing this template!! Xoxo
Hi, ive been using your link to print for the past year. I’m trying to print tonight and it says your site it no longer available when I select a color ….
I’m so glad you and your clients get so much use out of this!!!
It won’t let me even see the printable. It keeps saying my server cannot connect.
Hi, Michelle! I was having server issues and now they are fixed. (Also, sorry for the late reply. I fixed this when I got the message and then it totally slipped my mind to respond!)
Hi Patty! I used Microsoft Word. Unfortunately, the original file got lost when I moved to a new computer, so the only way to make changes is to totally reconstruct it.
Love it thank you!!
Thank you for making this and having it be a free download!